Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I got a rude awakening to how my life as a student may be when I missed the whole weekend. Actually, I had a great weekend -- mostly snuggling with the boyfriend and watching movies when I wasn't working 38 hours in three days. But it seems he and I missed some good times.

First of all, congratulations to Tim and Charmaine. He proposed to her at their Hallowe'en party the other night with the help of a magician.

1. Text from Sue: "End of an era, target's tapped out of glow."

2. Downtown Kimmy Brown's Robin the Boy Wonder costume was anatomically correct. I accidentally molested her.

3. Dan K and Mike went out for a cigarette at Kurt and Julia's, and when they came back, Kurt was locked in his room watching "Family Guy" and everyone else--the entire party--had left. We were all going to RUBA, but only half of us made it because Julia started throwing up in people's bathrooms, so that crew decided to go home. Meanwhile, we were the only people at RUBA, and I got yelled at for having beer in my bag.

4. Still drunk at Rustica all morning on Saturday. I sobered up just in time for one of our ovens to break down for two days.

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5. Foie gras protesters at the Standard Tap. They were so loud and annoying. The staff went out with a plate of foie gras samples, and one of the regulars, who's a vegan, went out and started yelling at various protesters for wearing leather shoes.

6. I got a text from Sue that said: "Andy?" She did not remember sending it.

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7. Marilyn's text on Sunday morning: "Funny things = 9 missed calls from an unsecret admirer, then me turning around and doing the same to an unsecret crush...maybe [X] and I have more in common than I thought. Lesbians love me. & genna and me spending the majority of the night trying to figure out how crad & chris decide who gets to make out with sue & settling on rockpaperscissors. You were missed."

8. Now I go to Skinner's sometimes. I may be philosopartying next month in Chicago.

9. Overheard at Skinner's: "You're a fuckin' frownie brownie."

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10. My phone was dead all day at work yesterday, and when I turned it on, I had texts from Woods asking me about which planet Deanna Troi was from.

Betazed. She's a Betazoid.

OK, fine, I had a good weekend. I feel better now.

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