Friday, June 29, 2007

backblog (6.29.7)

(it must have been a Thursday)

1. SO MANY girls with highlights at first party
2. Rap-battle between Dre and Jarrott, our new friends
3. Blaming others for spilling Sarah's drink (when really I knocked it over. She almost made some poor girl buy her another drink)
4. Not seeing Conrad for a million and then him being super skinny?
5. the 90's
6. You

1. Sweat mingling
2. Sarah talking to work-Christopher
3. Work-Heather dancing like a little girl
4. Free drinks from the chef and the owner (and they bitched out the bartender for trying to charge us)
5. You handing Tony the bouncer your beer
6. Everybody liking Eric
7. You.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

backblog (6.5.7)

(not a list)

S: If you get bored today, you could think of possible reasons I'm developing a really itchy rash, and you could tell me the possibilities.

A: I think there is something in your house. I had similar troubles. Maybe the carpet?

Or maybe James?

S: I hope I'm allergic to James. I hope we both are.

A: I don't think I could ever be allergic to James.