Wednesday, November 7, 2007

two-fer Tuesday

1. Let me set the scene: my art history class, we're looking at a slide of one of Steiglitz's naked pictures of Georgia O'Keefe. For a long time. Seriously, this slide is up for MINUTES.

Weird Lesbian: "Is she left handed?"
Prof: "Um....I'm not sure, why?"
Weird Lesbian: "Well, because her left breast is larger. If you're left handed your left breast is always larger."
Prof: "Oh......really?"
Other girl: "No, the left breast is always larger. On everyone. Because it is OVER YOUR HEART".

(We're learning SO MUCH in this class. So much.)

2. Later, we get the pleasure of hearing Steve Miller's new pick up lines, here's a good one:
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SM: "How much does a polar bear weigh?"
Girl: "............."
SM: "Enough to break the ice! Hi. I'm Steve."

1 comment:

ohsolasa said...

That is a bold faced lie. Your heart is in the middle of your chest.