Thursday, September 27, 2007

omg 10 lol txts

(Dear Chris: This is why I can't have your phone number)

1. 10:14 (to myself) Jo quote of the cent. It happens sometimes I just want to make out owl a boy.

2. 10:14 (also to myself) Pick up lines of of and io

3. 10:31 (to M) Pls don't leave w/0 me?

4. 10:32 (from M) I m bhind u (she's so good at texting!)

5. 10:43 (to myself, regarding a conversation with Conrad two, so I didn't forget.) You are conrad 2? no, I'm congrad, no you're comice 2.

6. 1:17 (to Conrad) Hit it.

7. 1:59 (to A) We like to sharE beers and we like to get drumm on wednesday.

8. 11:31 (from Sarah) Earnest made me text him when I got home to make sure I was ok. I told him I loved him. Drumm a million best dinner ever remind me to tell you about it.

9. 12:42 (to A, and I know it's already been referenced) What: chris to poor? (what does this mean?)

10. 11:51 (from A) What you meant was "you can always sit next to me instead of conrad"

Sorry about being a mess. Less pregaming at ANTM next time. Actually? No more weekend Wednesdays.

Thanks for the good times, Diplo. Not.


Bangs said...

5. The real conversation was like this-

S: Hi. I know you. You're Conrad Two.
C2: No, I'm just Conrad!
S: Sorry. We already have one.

pinchefresco said...

You may be right about weekend Wednesdays. It never really happens the way we mean it to.