Saturday, June 7, 2008


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10. One unfortunate side effect of a) knowing so many people, b) seeing all the same people all the time and c) living in--let's face it--a pretty small town is that when you go out, you tend to have the same conversation over and over again with different people. Tonight, all anybody could talk about was a) my hair (which they would then muss up--it's irresistible, apparently) b) my upcoming birthday party, or c) "Sunny" sightings. Josh Ballard saw Danny DeVito, Sue saw Charlie and the set of trailers. She was really excited about the fact that the trailers were marked by the characters' names and that one trailer door read "Charlie and the Waitress," because of course they're married in real life.

9. Blogging is so much better and easier if you do it as soon as you get home from your night out.

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8. For the singles among us, tonight was an incredibly confusing carousel of sexual tension: will she go home with him, him or him? Is he really starting a fight right now? Where the hell did Sue go? Ah, it makes me nostalgic.

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7. Eric likes to pogo when he dances. Also, he likes to bite necks.

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6. As has been stated on this blog before, my favorite part about MT at Pure is that all the gays show up at 2, very confused. But tonight, that dynamic was greatly increased as it was GAY PRIDE WEEKEND. Everywhere, there were older gay couples looking hopeful, discouraged and confused.

5. KEEPING GETTING IN FOR FREE! How can we make him a VIP at next week's birthday barbecue? I'm taking suggestions.

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4. Thank you, Christopher Davidson, for introducing me to the backdoor cheap drink loophole at Pure: Michelob Ultra. You said it was "Almost like beer;" I said it was not only beer, but it was much more than that, because it was Ultra. FOUR DOLLARS!!!

3. Virginia and Buddy. Everywhere all the time.

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2. Beforehand, at La Casa De Lauren, I learned that without proper adult supervision, I will eat/snort 4 1/2 Adderals in two hours. Terrifying, then fun, then mellowish, actually.

Dave P: Thank you for bringin' it all back home for Pride. Last song of the evening, Stephanie Mills? I love you in a real way.

1 comment:

ohsolasa said...

Can you do Sunday? You know so I can, like convince myself that I did not in fact time travel straight to Monday?