Saturday, February 16, 2008


First things first:
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Last night, Levon Helm and his band ordered $300 worth of food from Rustica. You know, there's cool, and then there's Levon Helm cool. Sometimes I kind of like my weird job.


Now that I can't get out during the week, the weekend is like this huge ginormous present I'm waiting for all week and jumping up and down like a little kid, wanting to shake it and see what's inside. So if I'm a little tired on a Friday night, not that many people are there, or not much is going on, I'm still having an awesome time. Seriously, you should try it.

Last night was Click at Fluid. Send me those pictures, Chris.

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1. Sue has a habit now of leaving without telling anyone. Can we get her a bell or something?

2. You want free drinks all night? Just pay the five dollars for Chris to get in. I think I definitely got the good end of the deal on that one.

3. Except for when I slipped into my routine fiscally irresponsible party-mode and started buying Sue $9 drinks that she didn't really ask for.

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4. Brazilian husband-and wife DJs? Yes please. Maybe not as exciting as I had hoped, but hey, they did kiss at one point. Come on, I mean that is totally unnecessary and completely adorable. Plus, they played Ku Duru.

(If you're interested, here's their most recent "Electro Banger Ghetto Trash Set." (Come on- do any of us know what that really means? Whatever, it was fun.)


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5. Woods' and my Jagger-text wars have now mutated into "Do your best Bianca Jagger." Also, that video has now spawned a new verb for us: "Doot." Do it. One word.

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6. Another way to get free drinks (well, this is an old standby): don't make a big deal out of it when somebody knocks your drink out of your hand and onto the floor, especially when you hardly had any left in there. They're adults; they're going to buy you a shiny brand new beer.

7. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Eric for introducing us to a group of legitimately ridiculously fun and relatively Ani-free lesbians. On a related note, a million kudos for Deshawn's bizarre sweater and the Leslie and the LYs pride that came with it.

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8. At work, somebody paid with a dollar bill that had crazy neon marker writing all over it that said: "LOTTO WINNER!!!" I took it to Fluid and paid with it at the coat check. The girl was really, really, really excited about it.

9. Strange sleep utterances. I love you, baby. Happy Valentine's.

10. I would like to take this opportunity to personally apologize to Ben for running into him and Mack on the street, inviting him to Marilyn's, passing out in a kitchen chair as soon as I walked through the door, and having somebody call him while he was finding parking to tell him never mind, we're going home. LAME.

OK, see you tonight. I have to go write a stupid paper.

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