Saturday, February 9, 2008


Silk City, M Room, Barbary, Lauren's, Christopher's, home.

10. DJ block of Violent Femmes? Ben wouldn't stop talking about it.

9. At some point last night, I saw every last gay boy in Philadelphia. These people are so easy to love because they are SO FUCKING SMILEY!!!

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8. Smurf blue drugs.

7. Huy still lives at Silk City.

6. Is there a word for people who go to a DJ night but just hang around outside talking to smokers and never pay to get in? Leave it in the comments.

5. Also, is there a word for that tiny weird cutout in the wall to the left of the door at Silk City where everybody always hides and smokes?

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4. So surprised that Marilyn is my sister. Also, said things like, "When you're single, you get DJ gigs out the wazoo."

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3. Look, I don't know how many times I've seen Lauren's huge enormous fucking cat now, but JESUS CHRIST IS THAT ONE GIANT HUGE ENORMOUS FUCKING CAT!!!!!!!

2. Girl: "Hi. Can I dance with you?"
Me: "Yeah!"
Girl: "Are you gay?"
ME: "Yeah!"
Girl: "Oh, thank God."

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1. This kid DANCED! I have multiple witnesses to prove it.

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