Friday, February 8, 2008

Fashion A-Go-Go

We all know that New York leads the way in fashion in the U.S. (shut up LA people...I've been to your stores and all you have is neon clothing). But we also have to admit that Europe is way ahead of the U.S. If you see it on the runway in Europe, expect it to be here next year. As seen at the Denmark and Stockholm fashion weeks....my top three impending fashion trends that make me shutter:

1) This is just a bad idea. Not only are you gonna have to avoid tree branches and stucco walls, but this is a straight path to a HUGE resurgence of some major huffing addictions. It is simply bad business to have a helium tank in your clothing closet.
2) Babies as accessories? C'mon! What are you supposed to do with it when you are passed out on your friends steps in South Philly from all the JB shots you did that night? I don't know much about babies, but I think it's generally frowned upon to let them sleep in your oversized handbag (on their way out, ps) in the Beulah alleyway.
3) Hammer, don't hurt'em. Seriously you guys, I've been watching all the European fashion weeks and I have been seeing this often. It's for real!!! So if you wanna say you were wearing that a year ago and are so over it when everyone else starts up, get yours now. I'm sure Vanilla Ice would be willing to unload some pants at a discount.


christophresh said...

i think he is wearing classic air jordan sneaks with his hammer pants:



pinchefresco said...

When coming into my house, please extinguish all babies in the alleyway.