Saturday, February 2, 2008

MT, 02/01/2K8

10. Shiv likes her Venn Diagram.

9. If you ever want to feel like the lovedingest loved person who ever got loved, get Josh Manganella and Dan Goat to bear-hug you at the same time. You'll sweat rainbows.

8. MT is disco, disco, disco. I definitely felt like 1976 for an hour and a half. God, I hope this trend hangs on for a while. It's like the WHOLE WORLD IS GAY!!!

7. Speaking of which, hi, Jonathan. Nice to meet you last night. Also, I want you to personally thank you for singling me out and affirming that I come off to other people the exact way that I hope I do. You said, "Excuse me," and asked me what the hell was going on, why there were so many girls and beardos there, and what good your membership was if you couldn't find any gay boys to go home with. You said I "looked obviously gay but also like I probably knew what was going on." Oh, Jonathan, all I want to be is the gayest fag when I'm around straight people and the straightest butch when I'm with my people--thank you for sizing me up; it made me feel, well, fabulous.

6. Ladies, I just last night made a decision. Disco Era III or not, can we start saying "No" to sequins in 2K8? I mean, yes, all boys like shiny things, but sequins are starting to remind me too much of Jo-Ann Fabrics. Maybe let's go with iridescence:


5. Christopher's short hair!

4. Marilyn and her mini bottles. A+. We kept seeing them all night getting kicked around the floor.

3. At the Beulah Recovery Brunch this morning, Stephanie told us about the time she went to Las Vegas, drank a giant "High Octane" alcoholic slushee that her brother had secretly spiked with several shots of grain alcohol, went to see the Blue Man Group with her parents, and projectile vomited all over the lobby. You have to hear her tell this story. It's epic.

2. Continuing to validate her Instant Hero Status, a certain lady decided that, you know, if you want to be able to smoke weed downstairs at Pure, you should just be able to do it, and then she went ahead and did it. Awesome.

1. Rob's haircut makes him look like my boyfriend from the back. Three times I put my arm around him and talked to him like he was Eric, which, of course, he wasn't. Once I think I even said, "Honey, I love you so much."

Side note re: Native American Headdress girl: I applaud you for having the balls. Listen, people, one person dressed like this might seem like something of a douchebag, but let's pause and think of what she might be thinking. Maybe she's thinking, what if everybody dressed like this? What if we all went crazy apeshit bonkers and dressed like morons once a month? Would it be so bad? Or would it kind of be like this:


sarah said...

is the middle blue man brittney spears?

pinchefresco said...


lady.shiv said...

that venn diagram was one of the best things i've ever received... from someone i have nothing in common with.

pinchefresco said...

Except for Venn Diagrams.

Thad said...

the blue man route. barf.


Thad said...

the blue man route. barf.
