Saturday, November 29, 2008
10. First family Thanksgiving with wine. The weirdest part was nobody mentioning how weird it was that we were all drinking. We hung out for hours, then watched a movie. It was chill and perfect.
9. Apparently, my aunt is friends with the Jonas Brothers' parents. She was obviously a little upset when another aunt told her she didn't like the Jonas Brothers because they're not as Christian as MIley Cyrus.
8. I asked Travis on Facebook to tell me something I don't know about his life in Maine, and he wrote, "It's like a million degrees and we each speak eight languages."
7. Sue and Conrad "rescued" a lot of Superfood from the dumpsters at the Odwalla factory with the help of some renegade freegans.
6. Amber won't stop threatening to beat me and my sister in the face with rocks because she finds us attractive. Also, I'm glad that I got a lot of Dane this week. Can we say let's bring back Dane for good?
5. I spent Thursday with my family, a puppy and my boyfriend, and I spent Friday with my childhood best friends and Ben Gallman's parents. I seem to be failing at perpetuating my unwholesome personal brand.
3. Whoever has the pictures of me asleep at Alexi's, covered in ketchup, send them to me. Oh, and while you're at it, the pictures of me asleep in my living room covered in stuffed animals, and the pictures of me asleep at Kurt and Julia's covered in pretzels. And the picture of me from years ago, on Kurt and Julia's old couch, masturbating in my sleep.
2. Quitting smoking. I haven't cheated. But it made me really, really mean at Thanksgiving Eve's Thanksgiving dinner. Sorry, guys. This would be why I got really mad and berated Rob for "tricking me" when I didn't know that a Quizzo song was by Blondie. I was wearing a Blondie T-shirt.
1. On Thanksgiving night, I was at some bar with Eric, Chris, and the Irish philosophers, and some guy asked us if we were members of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
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I can see why the whole TSO thing could be confusing. . .
there are like five erics, two andys and a whole bunch of chris's wearing terrible wigs.
man, some of those me's in wigs are BUILT.
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